Mar 212010

I suffer from ADD, I admit. I do not have a lot of time to stay on top of the all things digital, all things photographic, what is the latest buzz. Whether my camera manufacturer has released new firmware for a camera body or a photo show is coming to town, I do not want to do be “huntin’ and peckin” all around for tidbits of information on the web. “Just give me the elevator story !” and let me decide which thread to drill further into. Whew…but you catch my drift, don’t you?

In talking with fellow photographers last week, I found I was sharing the URL I use to a photo mash-up on all things photographic. And all on one page too. From Blogs to News Releases. So I thought I would share it here for those who have lost their way or need a good map off this blog.

Check it out here. I use it everday to stay on top of our industry.

If you have a favorite, send me an email and I will circle back on this topic later and post again. It is a valuable time saver.